Newbridge House of Music offers professional and fun online lessons. We moved online during the pandemic and it went so well we continued to offer online lessons. We have now taught over 100 students, and teach a lot of our lessons still online today. If you are new to online lessons and hesitant to give them a go. Please book a first free lesson. It allows you to work the lessons around your busy lifestyle, while still being able to have high-quality lessons.

Lessons are flexible to wherever you are in the world. We have students from all over from Portugal, Denmark, France, America and all over the UK.

Lessons are taught online, we mainly use Skype, but also FaceTime, Zoom, Whereby and Whatsapp can be used if required.

We teach one-to-one online music lessons. Head to our home page which has links to all of the lessons. 

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Skype Requirements

1. Computer/Laptop/Tablet with webcam and microphone. Most computers and taplets nowadays will have this inbuilt.

2. Skype - All lessons will happen via Skype, a free video calling platform that takes no time to setup. Visit this link to download now!

3. Speakers - Having speakers will make the lesson more enjoyable and will allow you to hear any examples in higher quality. Also if you are ever playing along to a song, this will help!



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1. Take lessons from the comfort of your own home! 

It’s easier than ever to have a Skype lesson. Skype lessons are taught by our amazing teachers, and everyone has a tablet, laptop or even phone nowadays that can connect you to the lesson without any stress. You’ll find yourself learning and focusing just as well online.

2. Study from anywhere in the world!

We understand that your lifestyle can sometimes make it hard to commit to something every week. With online lessons you will be able to do the lesson from anywhere with wifi. We have even taught people on their lunch at work, or in a hotel when you are working away. Or if you are just looking for high quality lessons and you don’t live near a good teacher.

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3. Stop endlessly searching for videos on YouTube!

YouTube is great! We love it so much we even have our own YouTube channel! However if you want to improve as a musician, then unfortunately YouTube is a very difficult platform to navigate. You spend more time searching than actually learning and it is hard to find videos that are consistently a high standard.

Also there is no feedback with YouTube, if you want results one-to-one lessons are always going to push you further.

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4. Watch/Listen back to the lesson with our lesson record service.

It is possible nowadays to record online lessons to view back using either Zoom or Skype. This can help to remember what you we’re doing or to refer back to certain things. .

Please note lessons will never be recorded unless requested before the lesson starts.

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5. The same world class lessons just through a different platform.

Skype lessons doesn't mean you are missing out on excellent lessons. Lessons are well prepared and well thought out. Using real music and musical knowledge and experience to help you pursue your passion.

At Newbridge House of Music the first lesson is always FREE, so you have nothing to lose! Book your first lesson NOW!