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How to conquer learning an instrument this new year!

The new year is fast approaching! Learning an instrument is usually on lots of peoples list of resolutions each year, but it can be very difficult to stick to the plan. Statistics say only 8% of people actually stick to their new years resolutions!

We are here to help and have 5 tips to ensure you finally conquer learning an instrument this year…


1. Find the right tutor!

Everyone learns in different ways and at Bristol House of Music we believe that having one-to-one private lessons is the perfect way to grasp an instrument. But you may prefer learning online, learning via Skype or in group classes. Also it is important that you enjoy your lessons and get on with your teacher. Find someone who is enthusiastic about teaching, understands the best way for you to learn, and gets the best out of you.


2. Create a practice diary

Having a practice diary and planning each practice session will help you get the most out of your learning. Create goals and targets of what you need to work on. Check out our article on how to practice and download our free practice diary by clicking HERE.


3. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Learning an instrument takes some time, and to be honest it’s something you will continue to improve on forever! Recognise the things you are good at and what you have achieved and be proud of what you have learnt already. This will give you confidence to keep going!


4. Tell everyone you are learning!

Be proud that you are learning an instrument! Tell the world, tell your friends and family and make sure they know you need time to practice and improve. If you have the support of your friends and family it will motivate you to continue having lessons and to pick up the instrument every day and work on something.



Learning an instrument should be enjoyable, so relax, play as often as you can and enjoy the process. This may require some patience, but it will be worth it! Learn songs that you love and you will be amazed at your progress!


At Newbridge House of Music we believe everyone can and should learn and instrument. We teach guitar, bass, piano, vocals, ukulele, songwriting and music theory. Book your first free lesson today and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


We have released our first book!

This book teaches you every chord you will ever need in all five CAGED shapes, allowing you to master the fretboard and helping you to develop and expand your chord knowledge whilst keeping it fun and easy to grasp. Get the book and take your chord playing to new heights. 'Every Chord Shape You Will Ever Need' is ideal for guitarists trying to get to the next level and who like to play, perform and write music.