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5 essential things you need when practicing

Practicing is crucial if you are wanting to learn an instrument and be any good at it. In our previous article we explained how to practice effectively, and to continue that further here are 5 essential things you need to get the most out of your practice sessions.


1. Music with speakers

Playing along to music is important if you want to hear how it is supposed to be done. If you are learning a blues scale, then listen to B.B. King or John Mayer using it in action. If you are learning a new style of music then immerse yourself in it. Playing along to music will help you to improve your ear and help you with rhythm and much more. Make sure the speakers do the song justice and are loud enough so you can play along and hear the track at the same time.

Sign up to a free subscription of Spotify, or use free music on YouTube so you have all the songs you will ever need. Or subscibe to the paid subscriptions on Apple Music or Spotify.


2. An instrument that is ‘good to go’ and a place to practice!

If it takes you more than 5 minutes to get started playing your instrument you are probably going to lose interest and move onto something else. So get your instrument sorted, make sure it has all its strings on it (or restring it if it has been a while). If you are a guitarist make sure you have a tuner on your guitar that works and you can use instantly. For piano players ring up your local piano tuner and get it sounding it’s best. Check out the music shop Hobgoblin or Mickleburgh Music for all your music equipment needs.

Secondly have an area in your house, apartment or room where you have everything set up, your guitar on a stand, a music stand with all your music and somewhere where you won’t get disturbed. 


3. Books/music that are organised.

Music notation is an amazing thing, you can get books on everything and anything. Different techniques, different styles, different songs, bands, albums, and everything else you can think of. But it is important to stay organised and keep everything together in a way that makes sense to you. Or if you have sheets of music, get yourself a folder so you can keep them all organised neatly and it is easy to flick through the pages.

Be sure to check out our first book release which is available in paperback and on kindle. Every chord shape you will ever need is out now. 


4. A metronome of any kind

Rhythm is important and having a metronome can really help with improving your ability to play in time on your chosen instrument. Nowadays metronomes come in all shapes and sizes. You can buy an old fashioned physical one, a digital one, an in-ear metronome (like the drummer and bass player above), there is even a metronome ap and one built into google. Check it out for yourself.

Another great way to play along to a metronome is to play to drums. If you simply write into YouTube… drum beat 100bpm (or whichever tempo you require), there are thousands of free beats to play along to. 


5. A practice diary

In our last article on how to practice we gave a way a practice diary download and showed an example of how to fill it in. Go check that article out and download that HERE. Having a practice diary will make your practice sessions have clarity and structure, keep you on point and help you to get the most out of your sessions.

We have gone one further in this article and you can download a whole practice diary book, that you can print at home for free. Remember to print double sided. 


We have released our first book!

This book teaches you every chord you will ever need in all five CAGED shapes, allowing you to master the fretboard and helping you to develop and expand your chord knowledge whilst keeping it fun and easy to grasp. Get the book and take your chord playing to new heights. 'Every Chord Shape You Will Ever Need' is ideal for guitarists trying to get to the next level and who like to play, perform and write music.